
Team1   Life with Children Research Team

No.1  Research on Child Rearing Support Programs in the Community

Team Leader:Shinichiro Nagamitsu (Professor of Faculty of Medicine)

Workshop for nursery teachers in Kitakyushu: "Life with Children"

82 nursery teachers from 11 day care centers in Kitakyushu participated in our after-hours workshop on Monday, July 30. This workshop discussed the topic "Common Childhood Accidents and How to Prevent Them", illustrating accidents that had happened at day care centers, safety and crisis management that day care centers should implement, and how to prevent accidents. Then it presented a map of day care centers to discuss what can be changed to prevent accidents at the local day care centers. Participants worked in groups to actively exchange their opinions. Their feedback about the workshop included comments that it raised their awareness of how important it is to take preventive measures against injury, in addition to predicting harm, analyzing routinely why injuries have occurred or how they may occur, and what to do when they do occur. We are holding the next workshop in Kitakyushu on Tuesday, August 21.