
Team Leader
Yoko Sarada
(Professor of Faculty of Humanities)

Team Leader
Mikio Hayashi (Professor of Faculty of Humanities)

Research on Healthy and Safe Development Support Programs based on University Resources

Research Team for Fostering of Energetic Children and Good School Adaptation Support

Team Leader

Kunihiro Matsunaga(Professor of Faculty of Humanities)

Child bullying and truancy(school refusal)are becoming serious social problems. The number of elementary and junior high school students nationwide who do not attend school has risen to around 120,000 (according to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, FY 2014). At the attached facility "Yutoriya(established in 2006)
" with the Fukuoka University Clinical Psychological Counseling Center, we have supported with elementary and junior high school students who fail to go to schools to encourage their achivities and promote social development by outdoor and artistic programs.
In recent years, social life skills training has attracted attention as a method of support (Social Skills Training : SST). SST is a support method based on cognitive behavioral therapy and social learning theory, and is known to enhance interpersonal communication ability through role-playing and discussions.
Under the hypothesis that bullying and truancy can be prevented in advance by implementing SST among elementary and junior high school students, we practice SST will be implemented among children and students of elementary and junior high schools in Fukuoka City (one school each) six times a year and to be continued for three years.
SST will be conducted by trained certified lecturers and will be communicated to the teachers and parents of the children and students. Ultimately, we will verify if self-esteem, mutual trust and subjective behavior increase, and further see if truancy and bullying decrease, measured by self-appraisal as well as by observations from the teacher in charge. The goal is to increase the children's "strength to live a sturdy life."