
Team3   Social Activity Support / Active Elderly People Research Team

No.1  Research on a safe and effective prevention program using Slow Jogging®

Team Leader:Yoshinari Uehara(Professor of Faculty of Sports and Health Science , Institute for Physical Activity)

Follow-up measurement three months after the completion of health promotion program

Measurements were conducted three months (12 weeks) after the completion of a two-night, three-day health tourism tour for middle-aged and older people. Results from the week-long health tourism tour showed that reduced body weight was maintained after 12 weeks (Sagayama et. Al., 2018, Br J Nutr). Was body weight also maintained after the two-night, three-day program? The measured weights were 69.7 kg before the health tourism tour, 68.2 kg after two nights and three days, 67.4 kg after four weeks, and 66.1 kg after 12 weeks. Reduced body weight was maintained after the seven-day intensive weight-reduction camp. It became clear that similar results can be achieved with the two-night, three-day program.
