
Team2   Research Team for Fostering of Energetic Children and Good School Adaptation Support

No.1  Research on Healthy and Safe Development Support Programs based on University Resources

Team Leader:Kunihiro Matsunaga(Professor of Faculty of Humanities)

Presentation given at an elementary school

On Thursday, March 4, 2021, we gave a presentation to our cooperating schools on the results of the SST program held over a three-year period since AY2016. To minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection, not all the teachers involved attended. The nine teachers who attended included: homeroom teachers, school management members, and nursing teachers (YOGO teachers) who cooperated with the program during the three-year period.

Although the presentation only lasted 40 minutes, we were able to share how the children changed through attending SST classes for three years and what the program accomplished. Furthermore, we presented the achievements of the three-year initiative in terms of improvements in social skills and self-esteem.

We hope the presentation served as an opportunity for the teachers to learn about the fruits of the program, and would like to thank the teachers for finding the time to attend in this busy season.